April Fools Prank With VS Code Extensions 🤡
I was bored at the office, nothing to do.
My tasks for the day were complete and I was packing up. And then, when I looked at the date at the bottom right corner of the screen, it was March 31, the last day of March. And I was thinking, “hmm next is April 1… April 1?!”. You know what that means, it is the best time to be funny. 🙈
So my friend was ready to go home.
He was about to shut down his laptop. But then, he got called by the boss for a quick meeting. And God gave me the perfect opportunity. He forgot to log off his laptop. 👹
Thinking of a quick prank.
My friend is a Frontend developer. And as many of you may not know, VS Code has a lot of funny extensions. So it was time to find some…
Dad Jokes
VS code has this extension that sends you “Dad” joke notifications from time to time. This one is simple and fun. And I know he will be confused when a joke pops out of his screen.
Typing Sounds
My friend loves playing Fallout. VS Code has this extension that produces Fallout sound effects every time you type. It is hilarious! There are a lot of typing sounds extensions in VS code. You might want to check them out.
IDE Themes
Of course, it’s necessary to change the theme. VS Code also has a lot of theme extensions. I chose this awesome Slack theme because mainly we are using Slack in our team. And the color combination looks good, too!
Troll Keyboard
Lastly, the worst of them all. Imagine hitting CTRL + S to save your work and then it gets erased! Basically, what it does is it messes up the basic shortcuts to give you lots of headaches! This is really brutal. 😆
My friend was confused. AF.
He thought that it was an official VS Code April Fools theme. Just like what Stackoverflow did with the filters effect. The dad jokes and the sound effects were funny. So after a few minutes he started working. But then when he tried to save his work, he lost his mind. The shortcuts were not working. I said it was working fine for me. He thought that the VS Code update had ruined his laptop. 😆
So after 15 minutes of complaining, he decided to restart his laptop. And that was the best time to say APRIL FOOLS! I completely ruined his morning.
Take the chance
All I can say is, if you have a friend who sometimes forgets to lock their computer, take the chance of ruining their day. VS Code has a lot of extensions that are really funny. So try them out with your friend. 🙈
Thanks for reading.